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How do I get my listings on Pinterest?

Did you know there are over 2 Billion monthly searches on Pinterest? With our new Pinterest integration, your listings are automatically published to Pinterest as shoppable Rich Pins in just a few steps. Read on to learn how to use this feature to your full advantage.

Pinning Your Listing

Your listing will automatically schedule itself for pinning as long as two criteria are met:

  • At least one image has been added to the listing
  • You must select “pin product image” and choose one or more images to pin

Each image will result in a separate pin for the same listing.

Optimizing Your Pin

Because these are Rich Pins the pin will automatically pull the following in addition to the link:

  • Title
  • Product Photo
  • Product Description


Following Stockabl best practices for creating your titles will also put you in a great position on Pinterest as well. Create short descriptive titles, ideally using one or two primary keywords that help shoppers and pinners find your content.


High-quality product photos are already a requirement for selling on Stockabl, so it shouldn’t be difficult to make sure your images look great on Pinterest as well.

The colors in your photos (and how many you use) in your pin matters. A study from Curalate found:

  • Photos with less than 30% white background perform better than catalog-style images
  • Photos with multiple dominant colors get 3.25x more repins than those with a single dominant color
  • Very light and very dark images are not repinned often; shoot for a middle-of-the-road saturation and brightness
  • Red-toned images perform higher than blue-toned images

This is in line with our preference for lifestyle images over catalog style photos on Stockabl so if you are optimizing for Pinterest you are also optimizing for us!

While Pinterest recommends an aspect ratio of 2:3, our photo window will crop anything outside of our recommended sizes. If you want to upload an image optimized for Pinterest we recommend placing it in the gallery as opposed to the main image and selecting it to pin before you publish.


By default, the pin will pull your short description if you have it, and your long primary description if you do not. Remember the short description is what appears in the small box beneath the “add to cart” button.

Pin descriptions can contain up to 500 characters, but only the first 75-100 characters of either description will be immediately visible. Be sure to include key features (like premium ingredients or other selling points) in those first few characters to establish context and value.

Make sure to follow our best practices for including keywords (including long-tail keywords) in your descriptions to optimize your listings for discovery on Pinterest, search engines like Google, and Stockabl. The key to getting on top of search results is writing keyword-rich, optimized descriptions.

Pinterest is used by retail and wholesale shoppers alike, so it’s not a bad idea to include a link to your retail shop in your product description in case a retail customer finds your products from your Stockabl pins!

Final Thoughts

While it is no small effort to optimize your listings, fortunately doing so puts you in the optimal position for organic discovery on Stockabl, Google, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Stockabl has excellent domain authority across these platforms, which means that spending just a few minutes a week on this can yield long-lasting results. Updating your listings will update your pin as well, so feel free to optimize away!

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