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How do I add a description to my listing?

Just beneath the product title, you will find two areas for adding additional details about your item.

Main Content Area (Product Description)

This is the first of the two boxes (and does not have a label). Use this section to provide full details about your product – including any unique materials, special care instructions, lead times, or shipping information. This section displays at the bottom of a listing and has no character limit.

You can add media to this section, but this is not where the listing photos should go. Use any additional photos or videos in this section sparingly and only when appropriate to provide your buyers with more information.

Product Short Description

The second box is for your short description. You should include only a short blurb (i.e. “tweet-length”) of the most critical information a buyer might want to see before purchasing (i.e. scent, length, etc).

Note the short description in the box beneath the add to cart button.

This displays in the box below the add-to-cart button on the listing page. Do not include images in this section.

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